Parola chiave:          
 ID Database Studi EOCTitoloID originale del progettoResponsabile del progetto presso EOCReclutamentoStatus del progetto
Vai >>c20-141Valutazione dell'introduzione dei connettori senza ago per prevenire l'occlusione del catetere venoso centrale Villa Michele  
Vai >>c20-136TIPI – Trial Of Imatinib After Ponatinib Induction A multicentre, open-label phase II trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of ponatinib induction followed by imatinib maintenance in adult patients with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia in Chronic Phase  Stüssi Georg Terminato
Vai >>c20-129A Single-Center, Prospective Study for the Technical and Clinical Validation of a New Portable Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Support Device for Audio-Visual and Real-Time Feedback during Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Moccetti Marco  
Vai >>c20-112Lithium nephrotoxicity: when and why? Experience of nephrology and psychiatry outpatient clinics Scoglio Martin  
Vai >>c20-104Vissuto dei famigliari durante la limitazione delle visite per il COVID-19 e percezione dell'utilità dell'incontro con i curanti dopo il decesso del proprio congiunto Cassina Tiziano  
Vai >>c20-079Studio retrospettivo riguardante l'utilizzo dei colangioscopio SpyGlass nei pazienti con stenosi tumorali a livello della convergenza biliare Balzarotti Canger Rubencarlo  
Vai >>c20-070WeARable Devices for real-time monitoring of COVID-19 infection and prevention (WARD COVID-19) Lepori Mattia Sospeso
Vai >>c20-060XATOC – Xarelto + Acetylsalicylic Acid: Treatment patterns and Outcomes across the disease Continuum in patients with CAD and/or PAD. Pedrazzini Giovanni  
Vai >>c20-049Danno miocardico in corso di virosi sistemica: confronto tra Influenza e COVID-19 Pedrazzini Giovanni  
Vai >>c20-010Early assessment of spot urine sodium to optimize diuretic therapy in patients with acute heart failure Pedrazzini Giovanni  
Vai >>24-037Rare Tumours in Children and Adolescents (Seltene Tumor-Erkrankungen in der Pädiatrie) (STEP) 2.0 Rizzi Mattia  
Vai >>24-036A multicenter, randomized pragmatic platform trial embedded within the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Cohort (SMSC) on neurofilament light chain monitoring added to usual care to inform personalized treatment decisions in Multiple Sclerosis Zecca Chiara  
Vai >>24-035Treatment of plantar heel pain with a new plantar insole. A pilot study Riegger Martin  
Vai >>24-034CTQJ230A 12203 - A randomized double-bl i nd, placebo-controlled, multi-center trial assessing the impact of lipoprotein(a) lowering with pelacarsen (TQJ230) on the progression of calcific aortic valve stenosis [Lp(a)FRONTIERS CAVS] Caretta Alessandro  
Vai >>24-033Evone® Flow-Controlled Ventilation during percutaneous interventional radiology procedures: A Clinical Feasibility and Safety Assessment.  Pedersoli Federico  
Vai >>24-032Patient severity based on the NACA Score in Polytrauma: an observational retrospective study Candrian Christian  
Vai >>24-031Costs of robotic and laparoscopie bariatric surgery: a retrospective propensity score-matched analysis Garofalo Fabio  
Vai >>24-030Implantation ofAllogenic Cartilage Mini-grafts: First-ln-hluman Study for Treating Chondral Lesions of the Knee. Open Cohort, Small Sample Size with 6 months Follow-Up Delcogliano Marco  
Vai >>24-029Complications and outcome in patients implanted with a cardiac implantable electronic device in Ticino - results of a tertiary centre Tardu Ozkartal  
Vai >>24-028Intravitreal Eylea 8mg for the treatment of wet Age-related Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Macular Edema; Real-World data analysis. Menghini Moreno  